Short Documentary
Director, Editor
Burning buildings and smoke-filled corridors await an unlikely pair of female firefighters who enter the Ontario Fire Academy determined to overcome the emotional and physical challenges that await them...
Fire Academy is a short documentary film produced in 2011. It premiered at the 2012 Hot Docs International Film Festival.
This exhilarating short documentary follows a pair of female fire fighting students as they experience first hand the physical and emotional trials in learning to become fire fighters while trying to be seen as an equal in a group that wants to exclude them from this 'young man's world.' We follow the 11 classmates as they progress through an intensive 3 month boot-camp style program designed to produce the highest caliber of firefighters North America has to offer. Starting in Orangeville, Ontario, and finishing with exams in Richmond, Texas, the film is as visually diverse as it is beautiful to watch.